How Quickly Should I Raise ORP With Ozone?


New member
I've started dosing ozone into my 125g FOWLR. I set the ORP probe in 24 hours before I started to dose and it was hovering around 165. I've started dosing ozone around 3 hours ago and it's up to 188 as I'm writting this.

I'm pushing only 25 mg/hr per the manual which gives me around 5 mg/hr per 25 gallons. The manual states run 5-15 mg/hr per 25 gallons.

I've got my apex set to kill the ozone dosing at 250 currently. I dont want to raise it too much too fast. I figured 100 ORP for 2 weeks, then let it raise 50 ORP each week after that until I'm around 350.

Is this safe with how fast I'm raising ORP?
Here is my ORP chart from apex. I don't dose ozone at all, but you can see what the swings look like daily. If you look at how quickly that changes, you are probably safe to increase at the same rate the mine is swinging on it's own. For safety though, I'd look to increase at a slower rate, possibly take the rate mine changes and divide it by 10.


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