How stressful to sps is time out of water?


New member
I did a 3g water change on my 12g tank today, a couple of sps were exposed to air for about 5 mins (maybe a little less.) Just curious how bad this is. Should I make a spray bottle of salt water to keep them moist, or is 5 mins not that long to worry. The top sps that was out the longest didn't extend it's polyps as much today (a little, but not as much.)

a bunch of my sps go out of water when i do water change. also most of my frags go out of water when i take pics and move them and what not. ahvent noticed any ill effects from it

It really depends on the coral, my own observation is that montipora digi react far worse to it than say,.. a green slimer does.

The more a coral is capeable of sliming the better it does out of water IME. The healthyer they are to start with the better they do also.

I found a small poccilopora frag that I had dropped and was left on the carpet dry for over an hour. I thought it was a goner but it extended its polyps after a couple hours back in the tank and looke great the next day.

Some one needs to get a HUGE spray bottle out :)

NewReefLady, ask Lefty (Rich) about that picture :D
i don't know the exact number, but my last rescape, i place all of them outside of my tank for about 40 minutes.....:confused:
Well, this coral looks ok today. Odd thing, another coral I bought that was doing well bleached overnight. Not sure why. I did move the lamp down a little yesterday, and did a 3g water change on a 12g tank (I think it really holds more like 10g.) Polyp extention yesterday, bleached today:( I think it was a pH swing, I don't like this Tropic Marin Pro Reef, it doesn't hold alkalinity and the pH goes low until i've dosed for several days with B-Ionic. I guess i'll have to make the water several days before I use it next time and just keep dosing it until it's stable.

I didn't even notice that picture... guess I was too upset at losing the little frag:( Holy cow, they really do spend some time out of water!

Awile back I forgot about a cap frag I made and left it sitting on the table, it sat out for about 4 hours, maybe longer... It didnt look too good when I put it back in the tank but after a couple weeks its looking great again. :)

My last tank my corals were always exposed for about 15 mins when I did my water changes, I would just flick some water on the with my fingers a couple times... Never had any problems.
During a reaquascaping adventure, I have left a rock with a small colony about 2in. X 4in. of A.Valida fully encrusted to live rock out overnight outside w/out water, and it was fine when I put it back into my tank the next day.
I thought it wouldnÃ"šÃ‚´t hut the corals, but about 2 weeks ago, while reaquascaping my tank, I placed a huge pocillpora and a big acro out of the water for about 30 mins.
The pocillopora lost some of itÃ"šÃ‚´s branches and all the tips of the acro were dead.
They are coming back again, and 5 minutes seems too little time for something to happen.
When I frag corals or even when I clean out my frag tank, I regularly have acros out of the water between 30-45 minutes without any problems ever. I don't even think about it.