How to control mushroom growth


New member
I have some purple and red shrooms that I love, but thay are growing so much that they are starving the light and irritating other corals. Is there anything I can do to kill off the little babies as they grow to keep them more controlled. I trieed injecting Alk powder, but that did not work. Thanks.
kalk paste might work on them. I just used some on some button polyps that are starting to encroach on my orange monti cap. I did it last night and it seems they are shriveling up and dying off. So I would give that a shot if I were you.
It sounds like you're having good success growing the shrooms. What I have done is taken them in to the LFS and gotten trade for them. I took the rock with some of them on it in and they gave me an other live rock to replace it, plus gave me store credit. You may consider this option rather than kill them. Call your LFS and see if they're interested.
I know my LFS is interested in them and I really don't want to kill them, but the rock that they are on is the foundation of my reef and it 15 LBS. The smaller rocks that they are on I will take out and sell, but there are a few very small ones on a few very large rocks. I rip them off, but they keep coming back. I am looking for some way to permenantly remove them from a few larger rocks. They are irritating my other corals. So I guess it's kill a few small mushrooms to save my other corals.