how to fix frag?


New member
hi all, i'm kinda new to sps, though i've had a few for a few months and all are growing like mad! well, my montipora digitata broke, it was kinda like a tree, long trunk, lots of branches up top....well, i got lazy and never glued the piece of rock the frag came on onto another rock and my mexican hermit knocked it over and the trunk broke halfway. how do i fix this onto another rock? reef epoxy and stick the trunk into it? will this hurt it? or do i just securely set it on a rock and let it do its thing? sorry if these are stupid questions, but i've never dealt with this before. i appreciate any help.
Id use super glue gel to secure it to a small piece of rock (that you can move around easier) thats if you cant get the existing rock out of the tank
I second that super glue gel would probably be best.... epoxy sometimes can cause the coral to rtn due to the heat it creates...... and when I say heat I mean for hours on end until it cures..... if it is not too large super glue gel is the way to go, a dab the size of a pencil eraser on the coral and the rock...hold it on the rock and twist 1/4 turn and hold for 30 seconds... it should hold fast.