how to frag rics

frugalreefer is right - just slice them at the base. If you put the frags in a tupperware (to avoid current and getting knocked around by crabs and snails) with some small chunks of live rock, they will attach quickly.

They are pretty resilient. I once had one attached to a small rock sitting on a large rock. It attached half to the large rock while still half attached to the small rock. The small rock got knocked off and the ricordia stretched to about 4 inches long. I cut it in half and after a few days I had a healthy ricordia on the small rock and one on the large rock.
frugalreefer is right - just slice them at the base. If you put the frags in a tupperware (to avoid current and getting knocked around by crabs and snails) with some small chunks of live rock, they will attach quickly.

They are pretty resilient. I once had one attached to a small rock sitting on a large rock. It attached half to the large rock while still half attached to the small rock. The small rock got knocked off and the ricordia stretched to about 4 inches long. I cut it in half and after a few days I had a healthy ricordia on the small rock and one on the large rock.

Good to know, because I've got a small colony that has done the same thing. I've got only head that is split between two rocks. I've been tempted to do just as you did, but with being new to the hobby, have been scared/reluctant to do so. Maybe I'll work up the nerve one of these evenings.

I have cut rics in half and never had any trouble with hurting them. I am alittle scared to cut them up in more pieces.
Do you need to cut through the mouth....or just cut it in half somewhere and it will generate a new mouth? I've got a green one I want to experiment with, but not being sure....just looking for more info before I do it.


ok so i cut some at the base and some in random spots. Every one of them grew a new head or attached then grew a mouth. Success!
Thanks guys
frugalreefer is right - just slice them at the base. If you put the frags in a tupperware (to avoid current and getting knocked around by crabs and snails) with some small chunks of live rock, they will attach quickly.

Dont forget to put some bridal netting over the tupperware so they dont float out and around the tank. :thumbsup:
I have several with multiple mouths, could I just cut between them to increase my population? these are Ricordia florida if that makes a difference.
I'm new to this but I think that the Mesenterial Filaments are the key. In the few times I have fragged a shroom the pieces with guts recovered and the pieces without have melted. I have created a new thread asking about this. The "across the mouth" recommendation guarantees both pieces get some guts.
i just cut them off in no particular way. Some i cut the whole head off others only got a small clipping due to the location of the ric. I didnt dip. Just put them in a tupperware container an let them grow. The main foot survived and grew back the head, and the other peices grew back from just small snippings.