how to frag tree coral?

how do i do it? what should i use? any help appreciated thanks.
here is a picture of my old tank and you can see the tree coral on the left

Cut it with a razor and put it between two small rocks, in some rubble, tie up with a rubberband (loosely), toothpick, or use fishing line to get it to attach.

I'd cut outside the tank (from a bowl with tank water) and run carbon. If you rubberband, make sure not to make it too tight, or it will cut through it. You'd use a rubberbabnd with the toothpick method, also. Push the toothpick through the stalk in a thicker part near the bottom. Fit the cutting and toothpick onto a smaller rock and wrap a rubberband around the rock from end to end of the toothpick (once again, not too tight). For fishing line, just thread some line up and needle the cutting near the base in a thicker part and tie it to the rock. Cut the fishing line when it attaches, or you could end up with line around your impellors. With rubble, sometimes smaller stuff works well (pea sized is good, too), as they will attach to it and you can then glue to another rock for stability. There are a large number of options for softies, and you can frag many softies in the same way (hack em up;)).
easy way is to push toothpic thru coral just above where you will be cutting it then waite until it heals around the toothpick cut just below the toothpick then use ruberband to atach toothpick to rock coral will atach