How to get a Clown to move?


Okay, so I've had my clown for about 2 weeks, hes doing great. However, I have a HOB filter with some rock in it for extra filtertation and flow. But, since I put him in the tank like 2 1/2 weeks ago, he just hangs out behind the pump.

Now, I wouldn't worry too much about it, but he gets spooked sometimes and splashes. I am afraid that he will jump out since its open top. He comes out during times before feeding now, but i'd rather him host some rocks down below!

Any idea how to get this behavior to change?

Thanks. :bounce3::bounce3:
doesn't have to be a mushroom, can be anything really. I have clowns that host, torches, frogspawns, duncans, anemones, even have a black snowflake that hosts a rock in my tank. Do you have any corals in the tank?
Clowns are going to do what they want. Just because you put a coral or anemone in the tank doesn't mean they won't just like the filter/powerhead/magnet cleaner better.
Lol. Yeah, I got some corals. I just got a bunch off a guy I just met from here! Hes a super nice guy. Hopefully in a couple weeks when everything settles and attaches he will move.

I do find it very funny they just will host whatever pleases them.
Just read this post. My humble opinion is that hosting is a spawning reaction- like - I have to protect my home because I want to lay some eggs and have little nemos. Being up behind a pump and getting startled to me is submissive behavior and he may be stressed. Do you have other clowns that are bullying him up to that area? I agree 100% with Rovster that clowns are wierd and behavior does change quickly. Keep an eye on him/her. If the clown is eating that is a good thing, if he stops eating- you may need to find a new home for nemo. Maybe 42 Wallaby Way,
He is great. past two days he wanders out of his spot waiting for food. He was out almost all day today. He isn't getting bullied at all. I have 3 chromies and they are mean to each other and back off from nemo.
Great news... Still getting adapted then ... I do like Clown Fish in Pairs. Love the way they interact with each other. Especially that sideways dancing... If you have had Clowns - you know what i am talking about... Get a Nem but no promises it won't keep hosting that filter.
This guy loves doing weird side way dancing thing. He sometimes hangs out at the very top of the water sideways and swims like that.. He usually sleeps like that.