How to get PE during the day?


New member
Hello. i have a few SPS frags in my 55g tank. I have a 250w MH with 220 watts of VHO.I get PE at night but i do not get any during the day. Does anyone know why i dont have any PE during the day?
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might be: more flow needed, a fish nipping at polyps, low alkalinity .....
all of mine show some polyp extension during hte day, but not as much as nighttimethere are some that are out in the day. and i believe in the wild they tend to only extend at night
In my 55g i have 2 1200mj's with the nozzel mod. my alk is around 9dKH (checked earlier but dont remeber exactly) and the only fish in the tank is a pgmy angel that hasnt gone near a coral.
a pygmy angel you haven't seen go after a coral. i have a coral beauty and he started nipping at a stag, which i realized weeks after its polyps stopped coming out during the day. after i moved the stag to another tank its polyps are open all the time, and the fish is on notice.
Well i havent seen it go near a coral because it seems to be scared of them. Plus it isnt just a few that do this its all of them.Around 7-8 frags and one colony.
Do some water changed with some RO water and nice freshly made mix over the next couple days and see if that helps. BUT...before you do that test all your params. Nitrate, pH, phos, calcium, alk, temp and see their differences between night and daytime.
probably more flow wouldn't hurt. when the polyps are out at night are they waving all around? I only saw my coral beauty nip once, and i was watching for it for a while. it only takes a nip to keep them out, and unless you are watching the tank a lot you won't see him do it. mine actually sees me and goes back under the rocks. i had to turn the lights off in the room so he couldn't see me before i saw him. I am not saying that is your problem, only that it was mine.
no they are not all waving around atleast not that i can tell because they are so small. anyone have any suggestions on what to use for more flow? Add another 1200MJ?Thanks
either some seio's [maybe an 1100] or if you prefer maxijets i would go with some 900's, as they use less than half the energy of a 1200 at 2/3 the output. the diy maxi- stream mod [i think someone on here is selling] for those would help as well. in my 90 i have a stream 6000, seio 1500, maxi 1200 modded with cut nozzle and a return. you have to make the polyps want to come out, and imo you can do it with flow.
I just modded the MJ's with the nozzel mod today. Does it really work? I might buy another MJ and buy the stream kit also. Thanks
i cut mine back far; there is probably an inch wide rectangular opnenig now. i believe it works well, especially when used with a timer.