How to Lower Alkalinity safely for Acropora

Mad Marine

My dKH is 12. My target is 9.

What is the safest method to reduce dKH?

Is it ok to stop dosing until the desired level is registered and then start dosing again or will this shock the Acro's?

I can't find any information online!

How much dkh does your tank consume per day?

If it's more than 0.5dkh, no you don't want to just stop. You'd want to reduce your dosing amount so that the dkh drops less than 0.5 per day.

Also, why is dkh so high? Is it your salt?

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If it's stable at 12 then stop dosing or turn your calcium reactor off and let the coral consumption take it down slowly until you reach 9 then resume what ever you do for keeping it stable

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Mine has been high too. I got it down to 10 dkh and now it's up to 11. I've just been reducing my dosing.

No idea. Can't get App to work for my bought (secondhand) Alkatronic. I've been testing twice daily, stable at 12dKH but would prefer 9 - 9.5dKH. Red Sea Coral Pro Salt (11.5 dKH) is probably a significant component! I'll probably switch to regular and keep an eye on things. Thank you.