How to mix the water correctly

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Wow Timmy, surely you wouldn't say that to me if you knew me, that's fighting talk buddy!!!! I'm only after opinions, if I choose to ignore yours and comment on them then that's my choice, don't be so childish and other members of the forum wont refer to you as childish or inexperienced. On the other hand the responses I have had from ivpd186, Bill in particular and tokitay have been excellent and give me faith in what I am doing is right. Your reactions make me feel sick and wonder why I am a premium member on this site - I have researched for over 18months without any comment, read, read and more reading. This is my first post of any value and I must admit that your reactions and comments I could do the end of the day all we are trying to do is keep successful, flourishing reef systems that have little or no requirement for "fiddling".

Thanks to all....


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6913137#post6913137 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hibees
Wow Timmy, surely you wouldn't say that to me if you knew me, that's fighting talk buddy!!!! I'm only after opinions, if I choose to ignore yours and comment on them then that's my choice, don't be so childish and other members of the forum wont refer to you as childish or inexperienced. On the other hand the responses I have had from ivpd186, Bill in particular and tokitay have been excellent and give me faith in what I am doing is right. Your reactions make me feel sick and wonder why I am a premium member on this site - I have researched for over 18months without any comment, read, read and more reading. This is my first post of any value and I must admit that your reactions and comments I could do the end of the day all we are trying to do is keep successful, flourishing reef systems that have little or no requirement for "fiddling".


God you sound like an engineer
Hey Bill, what is your feeding regime and lighting ? It could be that your phos test is not picking up anything because its being exhausted before you can test it...... try reducing your photoperiod by an hour or so a day and reducing the amount you feed. What do you feed (if frozen do you wash through with RO water before adding to tank?).


Last post was not called for, I apologise, I didnt mean to insinuate that Timmy had a urine problem.......hehe
Got tired of the argument. Skipped the last part. Temp is important because it affects your specific gravity(not sure which way, up or down, but it will). Mix salt at the temp of your tank. Yes, freshly mixed saltwater is caustic to some extent. Yes, you should let it mix for 1-4 days, depending on who you talk to, before using it. I'll let mine mix for 3-4 days, because I'm not about to risk the health and well being of the animals I love so I can hurry.
I do find it funny that the people saying to hurry are the same ones that will tell you that nothing good ever happens fast in a marine or reef tank.
Yeah sorry xrbzq, my bad......appreciate your comments especially with regards the temp/salinity. Most salt mixes specify that "their salt at 77f give salinity of 1.026 when mixed correctly". Completely agree that speed with regards a reef tank = disaster IMO, the only things that happen overnight are bad things.

Advice from Hennie Landman (aka New Reefer)

A good thread on the subject.

A wide variety of opinions exist on the topic, but rest assured none are right. This is a hobby; we all get out of it something very different.

If you mix water (RO or RO/DI) with the salt of your choice, add an appropriately sized heater and powerhead and let all sit for 8 hours, you should be fine. If you want to know for certain that you have a better match, test the pH of your tank water and wait for the pH of your newly mixed water to be the same. Again, this usually takes no more than 8 hours, but different salts will react differently. If you want to be extra cautious, test your first batch from each new source of salt for all the chemicals that concern you. Unless you contaminate your stock, you should be able to repeat everything but the testing on the remaining stock.

Hibees, while there is nothing wrong with letting the water age longer, you are adding a total of 88 extra hours to the process that are not doing anything substantial. If that's the way you like to do it, that's fine, but doing it quicker or over night, as long as it's 8 hours is typically enough.
Whats with the attitude timmy? And I think most people would agree that 8 months experience is not very much at all. I read your other thread and I wouldn't take advice from a guy who has 3 tangs in a 55 and only a prism skimmer. Doing things the fastest possible way will backfire on you someday.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6913275#post6913275 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hibees
Ocean Art, Service Tech more like a **** artist..... LMAO

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You are both no longer welcome on Reef Central until you can calm down and act like adults.
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