How to mount luminarc mini reflector?


New member
I want to install this on my frag tank but can't seem to figure out a way to mount it. I already searched and posted in the lighting forum with no results.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11736237#post11736237 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
post a picture of the unit

LOL Rogger you have luminarc's!

I need to somehow mount it to a metal wire mess shelving unit. So basically the possibilities are endless of how to mount a normal reflector but the luminarc reflector only has one little hole on the top of the reflector. I would buy a hanging kit but luminarc doesn't make one..

Thanks again

Rogger has all three attached in a "frame". the frame is then installed into the canopy.
flush mount on wire shelf

flush mount on wire shelf

Here is what i did.


Not luminarc but you can see the idea. I like them flush like this because i have no chance of touching them while i mess in the tank.

Good luck.
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Yea, thinking first and making a stable platform is always the best way to go. Dave, that looks great.

<-- Just put luminarc Minis in. We ended up just drilling out the mogul socket's mount, putting bolts and nuts through them, attaching steel 90 degree brackets, screwing them into the canopy. Oh yea, screwing them into the canopy AFTER taking out the circular saw and cutting big skylights into the canopy, so the luminarc fit through the top.

But Matt already knew how it went. He helped me build it at 2am.
Thanks guys.

btw, this hangs over my tank using a bicycle hoist. I can adjust to exactly the height i want. This is an early pic before i was finished.

The frame is made from coated screen enclosure aluminum, screwed together.

That bicycle hoist is a perfect solution for easily raising/lowering lights. I've been wanting to redo my hanging light rig (chains, hoks) with a pully system for a while now, and I think I'm going to steal this idea when I get around to it.
My Lumenarc is "mounted" in my canopy by resting on 4 L brackets, One at each corner.
This kinda of gives you the idea:


BTW, the bicycle things run about $25 online. I use one for my............bicycle.
Yea Dale, I used a similar method t mount it, cutting a hole like that, and using L brackets, but I mounted the brackets into the mogul socket holder. That's a great idea though just having it hang down on them. The Mogul reflectors are not balanced though, and tip to one side from the socket, so they wouldn't balance well.
The problem is that the luminarc mini doesn't come with any mounting device where I could mount it in any way. Here is a picture.


And I want to mount it to the underside of this;


which normally I would have endless possibilities but I am stumped. I really don't want to drill into the reflector. I am surprised that the company doesn't make a realistic way of mounting it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


They do. They expect you to hang it from that little hole in the top if I remember correctly. Either that or having it hang from the corners of the reflector... but what do I kno? :p
You can take that into Ace hardware with you and figure out what size the screwhole is. Then get an Eyebolt or hook or something. They have a good amount of hardware, better than Lowes or HD. If its unbalanced because of the mogul, then use tie wraps, or velcro ties to attach the wire on your shelving to help balance properly.

Another idea I had was that thin metal rope, its really thin. Taking 3 pieces, I would go across one parallel side with two pieces, then the other side with one, join them up at the top, You may need to buy the zinc things to do that, and attach them to the wire rack.

Basically, I think you should just take the thing with you to HD or Lowes, go to the hardware area, then also the area that they have the chain and such. Just sit there for a while thinking about it with all of that hardware in front of you and mentally work it out. Sometime just seeing all your options and try testing it is the best thing todo. I know there are a ton of solutions.
what about a couple of the strong earth magnets (2 of the 50 lb type0, i don't know if they would interfere w/ the performance of the bulb. a couple strong earth magnets at the crown of the fixture, then get a flat piece of sheet metal and put it on the top of the shelf. maybe the magnets are strong enough to keep the light in place.