How to move bubble tip anemone


After 4 years of staying in one place- my GBTA moved to the top of the glass. Now it's impossible to do more than a 1 gallon water change with it being so high in the tank. How can I move it lower (and back onto the rock work)? A razor blade?
One method that worked for me is to use a finger or thumb (well-trimmed fingernail!) and very slowly, patiently, massage and edge the foot off the glass a millimeter at a time. They let go eventually; you can feel as you go to make sure nothing is getting damaged. This does involve your bare hand in the tank, so not necessarily the best option.

Another thought: anemones move wherever they're comfortable; if possible, it's best to plan your tank around that aspect of their behavior.
My rainbow is at the top of the glass. When I do a water change once a week it just deflates and hangs for about 10 mins. It hasn't moved in months. It probably feels it may need some more light, which is why it is at the top.