How to remove an octopus


New member
I think I have an octo that rode in my TBS rock. What is the easiest way to remove him without harming him? Not sure what type but it is very small from the glimpses I have seen.
Probably O. Mercertoris (sp?) and it will be nocturnal, so a bag or jar and a red flashlight are the way to do it.
hmm OK . I am sure it is nocturnal. I saw it both times at night. I can see it now in a small hole in the rock. I am guessing that is where he is hanging out. I saw him in the same place last night. I was hoping there may be a simpler way, like using seltzer to get the gorilla crabs to come out. Maybe I can entice it out with a piece of shrimp. I am really surprised it ha lived this long. I don't feed the tank yet, except spot feeding some animals. Not sure what it is living on.
it does not appear to be a blue ring. It does match up with what opcn said. It is hard to see most of the time and I have not seen it moving out at night.
If possible just pull the whole rock out. I would leave it for a while though. Its probably living off the mantis and crabs that ALWAYS hitch in on TBS rock.

Unless TBS ordered one and it got loose in their LR bins, its definately NOT a blue Ring. They aren't found any where even remotely close to Florida.
i may try to pull out the rock and see if it moves. I tried to tempt it out with some shrimp put he just gave me the tentacle. I don't mind him being there really, except he may eat my pistol shrimp or the porcelain crabs. But for sure the tank is not octo proof. Quite a few power heads to get sucked into.
Cool. My girlfriend doesn't know it yet but when I set up her Seahorse tank, its going to be inhabited by a "hitchhiker" octopus first. :)
Re: How to remove an octopus

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10355903#post10355903 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Spiffyguy
I think I have an octo that rode in my TBS rock. What is the easiest way to remove him without harming him? Not sure what type but it is very small from the glimpses I have seen.

TBS? Tampa Bay Sound? Where did you get it?

What are the odds of a octo hitchhicker?
thanks. Wish I could have gotten one of him hunting but I could barely find him with a red flashlight let alone the camera.