How to spread the shroomsssss


New member
How do i get my green stripe mushroom to spread? I have one MEDIUM sized green stripe that i bought as a frag, it kept falling off or detaching from spots that i put it in, but a few weeks back it finally stayed where i put it and its in a spot that has some decent flow so that surprised me. but anyways its been about three to four weeks and i havent seen anything as far as new growth, and it splitting at all...just wondering what i could do to help it along at all. since all i ever read is how fast they grow. it is fully attached to this rock and doing nicely, any suggestions???
What lighting do you have?
Still 1 year old 40g tank?

How are your levels?

(Everyone's gonna ask that)

If everything is cool in that regards, I'd do this... CUT IT.

Or turn the rock on its side somewhat away from the light. The shroom will move towards the light and as it moves it will leave behind little pieces. Those will each grow into a new shroom.
i have a coralife 50/50 96 watt PC fixture resting right on top of the glass about the water. the tank is about 4 months old.

nitrates-between 0 and 5

just put a little slice in it or what?
Don't rush it

Don't rush it

Let it recover a bit more and get really happy.
Maybe another month?

Then get out the razor blade and slice it down the middle like a pizza. Kinda push the two halves apart when you do it or it will grow back together. Should recover in a week or so then you have two side by side. Wait another month, make sure happy and extended, then cut them too!

When you get a little colony going, then try slicing a head off the base. The foot still attached should regenerate. mount the head to a frag plug like in the thread below.

You can try quarters, but sometimes that's too much and you kill it. Depends on the shroom.

good luck
I get mine to multiply by putting them in the shade. They move out into the light and grow more as they do.