How to Tell SPS Health?


New member
How do you guys tell whether an SPS is doing good and healthy or not?

It's easy to do w/ softies or LPS, cuz they open up and tentacles/polyps come out, but it's hard for me to tell on SPS.

People have told me that if the tips are white, it's a good sign, but then again don't the tips get white when it's starting to bleach?

I have an acro that opens its polyps, and I have another that only opens them when lights are off, and retracts them once lights come on.
alot of people's sps polyps retract w/ lights on. mine are always out. look for good PE, coloration and if they take food when fed(cyclopeeze, rotifers).
By the way, I have a acro that used to be very light beige (almost white) in color w/ purple tips. Now the beige part is kind of turning very light purplish. Is it changing color or is it algae growing on it.

Thanks for the help