I battled the storm, nearly paid for it with my life! Haha, I can laugh at it now because we didn't get hurt but driving up there was horrible! I saw the tent knocked down and didn't even bother with it. We went into the fish room first and immediately drew a number. I found my emperor angel, stayed by his side so no one else bought him until my number was called. I didn't really look at anything else, too interested in the emperor. They had a huge amount of corals, everything was stocked to the brim! Even live rock, every barrel had rock poking out of the water. This was all around 9:30 when I got there. I was number 10, when we pulled, they were on number 90 already!!!! All in all it was a good sale, tons of people, pretty cool, but I couldn't stay long, had to be back for work. Craig, wish you coulda came, it was worth it, they had lots of flame angels! Who else got what?
Jon, I saw you pulling in when I was leaving. What did you end up with? Do you have anything in your 75 yet?