How was the sale?

hey theres always tommorow...

I go there near 1pm. I wasnt about to deal with those backroads after the storm... the corals were mostly picked over... didnt see anything that I got stoked about...
Anthony Calfos seminar was SWEET though! he is a really great speaker and I learned alot. even my girlfriend found it to be somewhat interesteing, which is saying alot... picked up some good tips on fragging, anemony care, and shipping... would definitely reccomend seeing him speak... actually thinking about going to MACNA(sp?) after seing his presentation...

picked up my dry goods.. good prices as usual, but I didnt think it was that much cheaper than usual... didnt even bother with the tent this time.. looked like it was knocked down in the storm, and I figured it would be picked out by that time...
picked up some more hermits and a pair of clowns... those were great prices though... 20% off the usual...

good times...
I battled the storm, nearly paid for it with my life! Haha, I can laugh at it now because we didn't get hurt but driving up there was horrible! I saw the tent knocked down and didn't even bother with it. We went into the fish room first and immediately drew a number. I found my emperor angel, stayed by his side so no one else bought him until my number was called. I didn't really look at anything else, too interested in the emperor. They had a huge amount of corals, everything was stocked to the brim! Even live rock, every barrel had rock poking out of the water. This was all around 9:30 when I got there. I was number 10, when we pulled, they were on number 90 already!!!! All in all it was a good sale, tons of people, pretty cool, but I couldn't stay long, had to be back for work. Craig, wish you coulda came, it was worth it, they had lots of flame angels! Who else got what?
Jon, I saw you pulling in when I was leaving. What did you end up with? Do you have anything in your 75 yet?
DamnPepShrimp, how did you know I would read this thread? You think I read everything in the PA and the DE forums? Ok well I just about do, lol. You can see most of what I got in the other thread. My snow flake is in the tank already and the puffer I bought today will be there in about two weeks. A couple weeks after that I will put in Philip's purple tang and once it is settled in the French angle will get moved.

I almost bought a flame, but I've gone way too far over budget. I don't remember seeing the other emperor there by the time I walked through so you probably got yours just in time. My gf wanted to stay by the puffers and make sure no one took mine, lol.

Oh and I bought a 30g oceanic sump in the tent that supposedly leaks.

I also missed the tent part because I didnt want to **** off the wife. It took some convincing to get her to even go. We left at 10 and arrived at 1145. The roads were clear on 41 except about 5 miles from gap. Had to finish off the nemo theme for the nephews. Also picked up a yellow tang. Now I didnt buy any salt yet, but came home with 8 buckets. We convinced some rube that we would transport it to delaware for him.

Oh man **** looks a lot worse then the word I wanted to use. I wanted to use the slang term for "urinate". LOL
Man I got some great deals. I got there around 9:10. I picked up a tiger anglerfish for $48. I got a black canopy for a 75 gallon tank at the ummm...tent or ummm...carpet sale for $30 because of a broken hinge pin. I got a 48" Aqualight Pro on my way back to the car at the tent for $150. I only have to replace one of the PC's and one of the MH's. I got one of their 75 gallon tanks that were on sale for $75 as well as a cabinet stand for $154. I got to shop with kaptken for a little bit also to top it all off!
i was supposed to make it down there today to get my NEW OCEANIC 120 TECH TANK!! that some of you are helpin pay for with my current tank part out:
(just a little plug.. haha)

but i didnt feel like doin the drive and i spoke with a manager that told me i could come later in the week to pick the tank up for the sale price, how awesome is that...

sounds like people got some sick deals these past couple of days, time for some pics!

BUMMER Update.....

well I wok up this morning to take a look at my clowns I got yesterday... both were alive, but I noticed once the lights came on that one had what looked like ick... it died this evenng....:(

debating of if I want to try and recoup my $ since I only paid $10... if the second one goes, I will be driving up for sure... I notced alot of sick fish yesterday... hope every one else out there is having better luck!

It was great.

found our friendly rep, Martin, (serranidterror) hangin out by the salt and spent a good deal of time chit chatting about how much he likes his new job and stuff. then got my short list of supplies i wanted. good deals. got a new quiet one 3000 pump for the new frag set up for $39 including tax after the sale price and $5 vendor rebate. good deal! no live stock for me this time. im full right now and still consolidating.

ran into a bunch of yous guys, illustrated-Jay, bartank AL, perpetual modification Jon and significant others to joke a bit. and then we met Anthony Calfo for a few minutes on his way in to prep for the show! Nice guy! sorry i couldn't stay for the seminar, had to get home to my little dog with the BOO-BOO leg. She jumped off the bed the day before and twisted an arthritic leg again.

i got there about 10 . surprisingly good time considering. only an hour and 45 minute ride. about 20 minutes more than normal. pretty clear except 10 miles before the gap and route 30 thru town, all ice and 25 mph behind a truck. but no problem for 4 x 4. just keep it slow.

didnt get anything at the tent sale. it was callapsed from the wet snow in the morning. but they did have a 120 oceanic tech RR tank out there for $300, full of snow. said it was a leaker returned by someone. I thought about it, it's what i'm looking for for the upgrade. but not ready yet. the new ones are like $800?. went for a second look later, but it was marked sold.

Boy Nano, with all that new stuff you got, from the sale and nice corals from Philip, I can't wait to see a post of the new tanks!

a good day!
glad we all had fun
Believe it or not kaptken, I know it's blasphemy here but I'm using my new 75 set-up and that new light for a FW planted Amazon biotope for a teacup stingray. I've wanted one for a long time and I figured at those prices I couldn't pass anything up!
Oh dang! I'm getting old and forgetful. You did tell me about that up there. sounds like a good idea. Hey Nano, you could drop into the Diamond State Aquarium society meetings sometime. Freshwater club. Our DRC treasurer Marty is VP in that one too. got me to join this year since i'm wanting to build a Koi pond in the back yard. and a bunch of the guys have really big ponds!! one like 30,000 gallons? check em out sometime. and everyone does freshwater tanks, plants and fish too!
they need some new members.

but still , you now have all those nice new corals!
Hey Firecrackerbob I had the same problem. I bought 2 clowns and both had Ick that I didnt see under the light at the store. Also both are dead. I put them in the frige and emailed that pet place to see if I can go there next tuesday for a replacement/credit. I mentioned you had the same issue. Hopefully they will have new stock by then. If you are going with yours before then let me know, if not then I will take your dead one with me on tuesday if they give the ok.

I checked the other fish from head to toe under my MH lighting and they dont show signs of Ick. I only have 2 green chromis in the tank right now so I am not worried of a spread. But if they show signs I will pull them and QT in a 10 gallon and gradually reduce the salinty to 1.009(Hyposalinity treatment) for 4 weeks

Perpetual modification Jon.. I like that, lol. Speaking of which my gf and I completely rearranged my room. :-D

I should post a thread about my fresh water set up when I get it redone. I love my ornate bichir, rare pleco, and my breeding angelfish. I just wish I could afford a more elaborate CO2 set up then the coke bottle with sugar, yeast, and water.

Btw Ken I did look at the filter socks again and found a size that is much more appropriate for my set up. Now I just need to decide on what size pumps I want to set up.

Hi folks,

I met up with a few old friends there. I picked up a few items but was disappointed in the pricing. I pick up a quite one 3000 pump and was charged 49.99 plus tax. I was ****ed with two different prices. The catalog had them on sale for 41.99. I found that they now have store pricing and online pricing. You can get the cheeper price with their pet reward program, but was advised that it was not offered that day. I told them to keep it. Then spoke to reps to let them know of the two different prices.

I ended up speaking to Scott the owner about this and did get the pump for 41.99 but not 5.00 off. This event will make me think twice about going to the sale. Is it worth the ride?
a1amp- Sorry to hear of your loss as well! but im kind of glad im not the only one in on this one.... I put mine in the freezer for now. still watching the other one like a hawk. He seems to be a little freaked out now that its just him and a mean damsel that isnt happy about his presence.... Im guessing that TPP is going to have alot of this porblem--I saw a lot of sick, stessed, and dying fish there.. keep me posted on what TPP has to say, and thanks!

tom/ all.... when you check out at TPP from now on you might want to double check your reciepts. I have noticed more and more errors and have had to go back inside for the last 3 trips because the price at the register wasnt what I expected it to be... usually it ranges from $0.5-8.00, which isnt too bad, but its still my money... I think they have so many specials and sales there that they have a tough time keeping up with their own discounts. This time they forgot to give me my 20% off of my red sea salt that I bought....

in retrospect( now that my 20% off fish is/are dead and might have to drive up a second time) im not so sure if I will be so gung ho to go to the next "big sale"... I still think that TPP is the king of cheap dry goods, and will continue to go there for that, but after this experience I will be much more cautious about my live goods buys there-- and 20% off or not, I doubt I will buy live during a sale ( im sure they got huge shippments like the day before- hence the dead and dying fish..) ... I still had a good time though and REALLY enjoyed Anthony Calfos seminar...

Well I can add to the list of dead. My Tuxedo Urchin is dead as well as a zebra hermit. It stinks, I have wanted an urchin like that for years. I bought a single zebra hermit just because it was the largest I had ever seen. I think it may have died of old age on the way home.