How wet are you guys skimming?


New member
I have a Reef Octopus Classic 150-INT. I'm constantly resisting the urge to skim wetter. I have it stuck in my head that the more foam I get into the cup the better. Am I off base here? Is the more concentrated gook I get out when skimming dryer equal to the same amount of filtration as skimming wetter but diluted?

Gook = Skimmate:)
Depends. Wet skim remove more nutrients and also elements too..

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Depends. Wet skim remove more nutrients and also elements too..

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

So what does it depend on
With wet skimming, you are definitely getting rid of more nutrients. The tradeoff is that you are also losing more elements, you will need to replace more water, and you will need to empty out the cup that more often. I do both. When nutrients are high, I wet skim a bit more. When everything is good, I dial it down so it's more concentrated. I don't think one is really better than the other, just depends upon your need at the time.
I don't skim wet to the point that I have to replace lost water. For the most part, I set my old Reef Octo 150 so that wet/barely stable foam overflows into the cup. Usually that means the water/foam line is just an inch above the bottom of the collection cup. I raise the level if I think nutrients are getting out of hand but never to the point I have to replace a lot of water.
I like to replace on the more dry side myself. I want a thick green/black ook that if you smell will induce vommitting.