Hows everyones frags from me doing from the swap?


New member
Just wondering how everyones frags are doing from the swap. I have heard back from some people that everything did great. Just checking in.


the stuff that i bought are doing great, still waiting on you to tell me when i can come over to pick up a frag of the green slimer lol. thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12149468#post12149468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bishoptaner
the stuff that i bought are doing great, still waiting on you to tell me when i can come over to pick up a frag of the green slimer lol. thanks

I havn't fragged it yet but will tonight. You can come by anytime to get it.


I got my sunset monti from you the week before the swap but it is doing good and looks great. Even looks like i may have a fwe new polyps coming in.
My sunset is holding up (pre fragswap frag though). My green slimer is hanging in, but still hasn't had it's polps out yet :( they're there, and it hasn't bleached, but the polyps have been held up into the coral the whole time.

My two corals that I got from Jeff and Christy are holding up well as well, and for those corals it took a few days to get polyp extension, but now they're nice and fuzzy.

I'm finally starting to see growth on other frags from a few months ago, like my PPEs, Leng Sy, and Purple Haze from a long time ago.

The frag that I got from keith that he got from the tampa guys is still bleached out, but I put it high in the tank, and I'm pretty sure that's why.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12150844#post12150844 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
My green slimer is hanging in, but still hasn't had it's polps out yet :( they're there, and it hasn't bleached, but the polyps have been held up into the coral the whole time.
same here... the slimer is the only thing questionable.... everything i got from jeff and christy is doing great! aswell as the green birdsnest and pink mille from mike :D ... all in all im pretty happy with everything i brought home
Re: Hows everyones frags from me doing from the swap?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12149160#post12149160 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
Just wondering how everyones frags are doing from the swap. I have heard back from some people that everything did great. Just checking in.



Wow!!! That's great customer service...checking up with your customers after the sale! I like that!!! Thanks, Matt.
Whoever I bought this clam from...I am holding your baby fish hostage! Hehe, I'm assuming some eggs were attached to the clam because all the babies hover around it. Since I have noting to eat them, hopefully I get to see what kind of fish they are. They are small and orange-ish so my guess is clowns. ::shrug:: I'm excited! I have a really balanced tank so hopefully they are finding food. Any suggestions on tiny baby fish are welcomed!

All of mine are still hanging well, red mille is encrusting like mad, with a tiny bit of growth, ORA blue tort is still blue. I had one almost casualty, although it wasn't your fault in any way... the pokerstar monti did great for 2 days, then lost 3/4 of its mass, fast dieoff. It finally stopped, and the rest is doing well. Unfortunately I know what killed it, since the dieoff is the exact shape of a fingerprint. I misjudged how fragile the coral is, and I guess I pushed it into the epoxy slightly too hard. I still think I got a good deal even for what's left, and I'm sure now that it'll come back. And thanks for checking up!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12151507#post12151507 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
The superman is doing well, but the sunset didn't make it.

Sorry to hear the sunset didn't make it. Like I said at the swap I guarantee all my corals so if you are going to the next meeing or want to stop by I will make you another frag. I usually ask for the frag plug with the dead coral skeleton on it as a trade for the replacement if you still have it. If not it's all good, I trust you. :)

Thanks again everyone. Glad to see everythings doing good.

My blue tenuis is doing great!!! No blue yet but polyps want to extend past the frag!!

Wish my rainbow monti from Racer mike was doing the same. No fault of his, my frag fell into my big torch coral for 1-2 days, when i finally found it, it did not look good, but i say 1/4 of it is making a comeback. :(
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