humidity in your fish room

yes i run three 6" units with exchangers on them . one of my friends owns a HVAC company so he hooked me up and it all works so well . it does pull alot of evap water out of my tanks though.just something i have to live with .i usually go thriugh 6 gal a day but some dry days its closer to 9 or 10 .
Have you thought about using lids on the sump and tank to cut down on evaporation. Sure, you lose some par. But it works.
I have lids on everything, sumps,and on the top of the tank. With a total of about 650 gallons on one system and about 150 on another in the same room I don't have much evaporation at all.
But I do have a Fantech exaust fan on a humistat to keep the humidity out of there running 24/7.