Humidity problems - venting fishroom


New member
Ok, my dehumidifier took a crap on me a few weeks back. Where I was keeping humidity at around 45% it is now 65-70%. Need to get it down. A new dehumidifier is expensive and just adds heat to the room which in turn draws more moisture out of the tanks which in turns adds humidity which in turn... Then I started looking at exhaust fans like a bathroom fan.

Problem there is due to the location of my fish room. The only way i can install the vent pipe to have it running parallel to (in between) the floor joists would be to put the exhaust out the front of the house and through the brickwork. Not going to happen.

Option 1, I can run it out the side of the house but it would require using flexible tubing and the venting would have a 'P' trap of sort to it. This would just collect moisture and would cause its own headache.

Second option. I eventually plan on adding a bathroom in the basement. So I can run the venting now for the fishroom and tie into it in the future. That exhaust will go out the back of the house under the deck. This would involve running approximately 20' followed by a a 90 degree turn then running another 15' or so. Oh yeah, and due to the direction of the floor joists it would need to run under them until that first 90, then it would go up. Again, this would allow moisture to collect at the upturn.

of course, option 3 would have me vent it directly to the furnace room or unfinished portion of the basement. That area is quite a bit bigger than the fish room and open so the moisture wouldnt affect it as much. Added benefit, maybe that moisture would be circulated by the furnace and stop the static zingers in the winter.

Last option, I could just tie into a heat vent. There is one directly above the fish room going into a bedroom. This would provide air circulation and would possibly let in fresh air correcting lower pH problems I am having due to the house being closed up.

Or I could just buy another dehumidifier. it takes more electricity and adds heat but it is the simplest and quickest fix.

I have been procrastinating this for a couple of weeks and watching the humidity creeping up. No option is perfect, so i am trying to find the least not-perfect solution.
I wouldn't tie into the heat run personally. You'll cut a lot of air flow into the bedroom for minimal help. Without an R/A run also in the fish room to pull air out at the same time of adding, it would be minimal at best