This is a humpback cowrie (I believe) that has been in a 50 gal tank with sump with same stock for over 5 years. Live sand and live rock as well.
Normal behavior: It usually travels all over the glass and rocks eating with it's radula day or night. So much of the algae in this tank is usually taken care of.
Problem: Been noticing it moves around less and last week it fell on its shell and retracted into it. Flipped it back over and and put it on a sheet of dry seaweed to see if it was hungry. It quickly moved away from the seaweed and stayed on the sand. Next day it was on the glass as it had been and was using its radula. Even saw it poop yesterday. Today on its side back in shell, only slightly sticking to glass. Flipped it back over again on a sheet of seaweed.
What should I do?
- is it not sticking to the glass due to starvation?
- one suggestion was to feed it meaty food
Side note: top of shell is green after being on its back for up to a day (not sure how long it was like that). Water parameters (salinity, pH, kH, nitrite, nitrate) are in normal range.
Sorry about the glass. Let's just say i want the snail to have plenty to eat. This is a lovely almost 4-inch cowrie that I really enjoy. Would like to learn how to allow the cowrie to thrive.
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Normal behavior: It usually travels all over the glass and rocks eating with it's radula day or night. So much of the algae in this tank is usually taken care of.
Problem: Been noticing it moves around less and last week it fell on its shell and retracted into it. Flipped it back over and and put it on a sheet of dry seaweed to see if it was hungry. It quickly moved away from the seaweed and stayed on the sand. Next day it was on the glass as it had been and was using its radula. Even saw it poop yesterday. Today on its side back in shell, only slightly sticking to glass. Flipped it back over again on a sheet of seaweed.
What should I do?
- is it not sticking to the glass due to starvation?
- one suggestion was to feed it meaty food
Side note: top of shell is green after being on its back for up to a day (not sure how long it was like that). Water parameters (salinity, pH, kH, nitrite, nitrate) are in normal range.
Sorry about the glass. Let's just say i want the snail to have plenty to eat. This is a lovely almost 4-inch cowrie that I really enjoy. Would like to learn how to allow the cowrie to thrive.
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