humu humu trigger


New member
What is the chance of keeping a humu humu with these other fish? It is a 92g. tank.

1. Oc. clown
2. sixline wrasse
3. foxface
4. long nose hawkfish

If not the trigger how about a dwarf lion. Any input would be great.

Thanks, Jeff
i keep a humu humu in a 55 gallon tank with a foxface and a dwarf fuzzy lion. no problems at all. the trigger and the foxface are best buddies. i tried to put a lawnmower blennie in there with him and he killed it. i would use caution with the clowns.
A 55gal tank is to small to keep either a foxface or a humu humu trigger let alone both together.

As for keeping the trigger in a 92gal tank that would be pushing it as in time the trigger will most likely out grow the tank. I wouldn't mix the trigger together with the Foxface as Foxfaces are some what skiddish and the Trigger will probably attack or bull it and cause it to stress out. The Dwarf Lion fish would work as long as the Clown and Six line wrasse are large enough so that the lion can' swallow them.
in many books ive read it says a 55 is an adequate home for a humu trigger for life. i have one in an 80 with a lawnmower blenny and others and its 100% fine. every fish is different but i would try it if that is what i wanted.
Humu Humu trigger get up to 10"-12" and like most triggers, if feed correctly, will grow pretty fast. So a 55gal isn't even close for that size fish for life. Don't always believe what you read in books.
I would go with the Trig over the Lion and add a small specimen in the 2" range, after the rest of the mates are in. A 92 corner as marrone said will suffice for some time but anything in the 6' length whether it be a 125 or larger will keep him happy. Hummu's even when fed adequately aren't the fastest of growers, as compared to other Triggerfish which will give you some time.
Humu would be fine . But you might want to think about a 125 in the long run , My humu is a mad man all over the tank .
Still undecided? I think the dwarf lion would be best, but I love the Humu Humu. I may just keep the 2 I have and add them both and see what happens.

Hey Guys since my Humu is out . I wonder if a dwarf Lion, a puffer, purple tan, singapore angel and an Auriga butterfly could coexist in a 92 Corner. None of them ever get larger than 7 inches. Does anybody have any comments?