Hydor Nano Skimmer


New member
How has this product been received by your staff and people you've sold this to? Good? Bad? Any comparison to make to the Tunze 9002? I'm thinking about replacing mine.

Will the skimmer fit in the Solana's rear chamber #1? I measured today and see that I have about 3 1/16" inches from the back of the tank to the overflow box. Any chance the skimmer work work there?
I ran the Nano on a Solana here for a couple of weeks. It wasn't a bad skimmer at all, but the downside for me was that it wouldn't fit in the back of the Solana. Outside of that performance was decent for the size. I still prefer the Tunze Nano though.
Thanks for the response Jeremy. I knew it'd be a tight fit, if it fit at all. Oh well. I'll keep messing with the Tunze then. I also confirmed that the new Aquamedic Blue 500 skimmer won't fit either.