Hydrofill ATO Not Functioning After Water Change


New member
I turned my Hydrofill ATO off during water change for obvious reasons, and now it isn't functioning correctly. It is always displaying "level". I just got back in town from a 4 day vacation and my sump was nearly empty exposing my heaters, and they ATO is still displaying "level". The water line was a solid 4 inches below both probes. I'm lucky this didn't cause a fire with the heaters being exposed. Any idea what is causing this? The probes are clean. I've tried turning it off and on again but it always says level whether both probes are submerged, both are exposed, or 1 is submerged and 1 is exposed.

Any help would really be appreciated. Now I'm going to be really worried to go out of town again.
No calibration process. There are 2 sensors, each with 2 metal probes. Either there is saltwater between the probes allowing for electric current between them, or there isn't. When there is only air between the probes the device should register the water is low and provide power to the ATO pump.
If nobody has experienced this and has a fix for it, can anyone recommend an ATO they've had good experience with over several years with no problems?
So, I soaked the sensors in vinegar and it works again. Strange. Each sensor has 2 probes, and it sends a low voltage between the probes when submerged in water. If they are in water, it tells the controller that the water is level. The problem with mine was it was always saying level even when they were not in water. Maybe there was a layer of slime or something connecting the probes that was thick enough to complete the voltage loop?