Hydrofoam pump not working


New member
My pump stopped working yesterday. I took it apart and soaked in vinegar water overnight. I started it once this morning and it worked fine, then I unplugged it and plugged it back in and the impeller doesnt turn. The vinegar took off all calcium deposits and it appears to be clean with no obstructions.

This happed a couple months ago, but it worked fine after i cleaned it.
There are 6 models of hydrofoamer pump and 3 distinct styles that have different impellers and motors, can you tell me the model number?
Please check that magnet of the needle wheel is not deformed or swollen and that the shaft is not cemented in the bearings by calcium build up.
Note the shaft is part of the needle wheel it spins in two ceramic bearings with a silicon rubber sleeve, the bearings should come off the shaft and spin freely on the shaft.
The bearing above the needle wheel comes off but the one below (inside the motor of the pump) is not loose from the shaft. I guess i should soak in vinegar for longer?

The magnet looks fine to me.
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Yes, that is probably the cause, you might try gently turning it and sliding it up and down to work it loose after a soak for some hours in vinegar.