I've got some hydroids on my Zoa frag. I've peroxide dipped them once for 2 minutes at 50/50 and for 15 minutes with seachem dip. They are back again. Any tips?
Remove them with tweezers from their bases!
Depending on the species of hydroids they will be gone for a while, but hey could come back latter, though.
My system has 2 species of hydroids, but with he tweezers I keep them under control.
Try to search for hydroids in the zoa forum. There was another thread with some more tips...
I used a product called Hydroxs to get rid of my very bad hydroid problem. I had the white kind with the polyp at the end, looks kinda like a feather duster. I setup 2 tanks to deal with them. Hydroxs is meant to be used as a whole tank treatment prior to adding livestock like seahorses. I used it as a dip at twice the suggested dose for a few hours at a time. It took about 4 dips as well as manual removal to get rid of them. I'm so glad I found this product as I was ready to throw in the towel and get out of the hobby I had them so bad.
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