hydroponic grow lights

I came across a 8 bulb T5HO light that has hydroponic bulbs for a fairly cheap price. I realize I would need to swap out the bulbs but has anyone used these type of fixtures for their tanks? Maybe good for frag tank?
I saw them. They are dirt cheap. Not sure how well they would stand up to salt, but in the end a light is a light. Its definitely no ATI. I almost bought one to retrofit my LEDs. I think the nursery on 27th carries them. I think an 8 bulb fixture for my tank was like $200 or less. I did some searching and no hits as far as reef use. I bet they would be fine for a frag system, even a display system.

Look up Sun Blaze
The units I gave seen only have a few drawbacks from what I can tell. Most don't have cooling fans and the 8 bulb unit has 1 power cord and 2 on/off switches. Both of these issues could be cheaply corrected. I was just curious as to if anyone had done this, I was pretty sure that someone had tried it. Just trying to get some feedback. Tangandchips, can you post a picture? Thanks