Hyperfoamer question

eric mac

New member
I have heard through the grape vine that there will be a new hyperfoamer 9430.040 available. I have tried finding info on this pump via Internet, but can't find any info. Is their really a 9430.040 coming out? When? What are some of the specs?
Yes, it should be out in December and it does 1200lph of air, it will be the basis of the new 9430 skimmer which replaces 9440 and uses only one larger pump.
Is there a preorder list yet for just the hyperfoamer pump it's self. I was told they work very well with the I-tech brand skimmers.
We don't have a preorder list, but I did send John at I-Tech a sample and I would verify it works for your model skimmer. You can have too much pump, so if it works best with a smaller existing model pump, that is the pump you want to get, overkill will only result in countless cups of water.