Hyposalinity help for 28 fish


New member
Hi all,
I'm breaking down my tank and need advice on do hyposalinity. I have a manageable level of Ick in my 375G. I'm going to clean out the sand from my display so I thought this might be good time to re-start with an ick free tank if possible. I will be nuking my rock.

Below is my planned setup and fish list. I've heard a few fish like anthias have trouble with hypo but I would welcome your experienced advice.
Tanks: 70G + 100G rubbermaid - probably about 150g total water
Filtration: Hang on filter + very large skimmer
LR? Should I keep LR in the Q tanks or will hypo kill the bacteria on rock?

Can the planned Q tank setup handle 28 fish?
Clowns 2
Anthias 5
Tangs 6 (all about 4-5")
Angels 5 (all under 4")
Dwarf angels 3
3" Trigger 1
Wrasse 3
Bangaii 2
Harlequin tusk
There are at least a couple of peer-reviewed studies on hypo resistant strains of Ich. I personally feel chelated copper (i.e. Copper Power) would be a better option for you. All of the fish you listed (even the angels) are good candidates for Copper Power treatment.
I have copper power and was ready to go the copper route before a friend said “you are going to kill all your fish”. I also just purchase a Hanna copper checker. Besides raising Copper levels to fast what do I need to do to insure that copper treatment is successful and safe. I had planned utilize my big skimmer during copper treatment to elevate O2 levels but set at a level that does not produce skimate. Any other common mistakes a first time copper user can make? Thanks
I have a nice 80 watt UV. That will help your situation also.

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I have copper power and was ready to go the copper route before a friend said "œyou are going to kill all your fish". I also just purchase a Hanna copper checker. Besides raising Copper levels to fast what do I need to do to insure that copper treatment is successful and safe. I had planned utilize my big skimmer during copper treatment to elevate O2 levels but set at a level that does not produce skimate. Any other common mistakes a first time copper user can make? Thanks

You can drop all the fish straight into 1.0 ppm chelated copper, and then take 4-5 days to gradually raise the Cu level up to 1.75-2.0 (therapeutic). I do this all the time with groups of 60-70 fish. The Hanna Copper Checker is a godsend! :beer:

You can use a skimmer whilst treating with copper, but if you just point some powerheads towards the surface of the water that will provide ample gas exchange (oxygen).

Everything else I know about copper can be found here: https://humble.fish/copper/