New member
Hello to all in the reefing world
well i am finally seeing the "light" at the end of the tunnel. i got the Live Rock in i was curing for almost 2 months about 4 days ago, i got the lighting in and almost completely working (i broke 1 bulb last night ) and the skimmer as well. i know some of you will ask or think why do i have this configuration? well i would like to have T5 for supplement lighting instead of the PC's but i already had the PC's and $$$$ is an issue right now, i will one day be swapping them out out for T5's i dont plan on running all the lights at once (that would be 1020 watts) i do plan on alternating the lighting and running Halides on a very short schedule.
i put my first fish in, 1 little Chromis
Paramaters: Salinity 1.026 Amonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates .25 have not tested anything else yet. does anyone know where i can get a a complete REEF test kit locally or if not online?
i need a refuge Light and then some Cheato. i will be setting up a PennPlax 1000 canister filter for the carbon (if ever need be i can put some phosban in it too) running in and out of the skimmer chamber in the fuge
there is still much work to be done BUT I AM ALMOST THERE!
Thanks for looking
well i am finally seeing the "light" at the end of the tunnel. i got the Live Rock in i was curing for almost 2 months about 4 days ago, i got the lighting in and almost completely working (i broke 1 bulb last night ) and the skimmer as well. i know some of you will ask or think why do i have this configuration? well i would like to have T5 for supplement lighting instead of the PC's but i already had the PC's and $$$$ is an issue right now, i will one day be swapping them out out for T5's i dont plan on running all the lights at once (that would be 1020 watts) i do plan on alternating the lighting and running Halides on a very short schedule.
i put my first fish in, 1 little Chromis
Paramaters: Salinity 1.026 Amonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates .25 have not tested anything else yet. does anyone know where i can get a a complete REEF test kit locally or if not online?
i need a refuge Light and then some Cheato. i will be setting up a PennPlax 1000 canister filter for the carbon (if ever need be i can put some phosban in it too) running in and out of the skimmer chamber in the fuge
there is still much work to be done BUT I AM ALMOST THERE!
Thanks for looking