I am almost there! TANK PICS


New member
Hello to all in the reefing world

well i am finally seeing the "light" at the end of the tunnel. i got the Live Rock in i was curing for almost 2 months about 4 days ago, i got the lighting in and almost completely working (i broke 1 bulb last night ) and the skimmer as well. i know some of you will ask or think why do i have this configuration? well i would like to have T5 for supplement lighting instead of the PC's but i already had the PC's and $$$$ is an issue right now, i will one day be swapping them out out for T5's i dont plan on running all the lights at once (that would be 1020 watts) i do plan on alternating the lighting and running Halides on a very short schedule.
i put my first fish in, 1 little Chromis

Paramaters: Salinity 1.026 Amonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates .25 have not tested anything else yet. does anyone know where i can get a a complete REEF test kit locally or if not online?

i need a refuge Light and then some Cheato. i will be setting up a PennPlax 1000 canister filter for the carbon (if ever need be i can put some phosban in it too) running in and out of the skimmer chamber in the fuge

there is still much work to be done BUT I AM ALMOST THERE!

Thanks for looking









Lookin good!

For all the Reef testing kits, Doral Aquariums in Doral, FL on 25th and 87th/Galloway had all the saliferts and gave FMAS discount too if you're part of the club. Also had any additives you would need too.

Good luck and I can't wait to see where your tank goes. Any idea on ideas for stocking?
Very nice - BTW I still supp with pc's. Too lazy to change.
Great job-that canopy design is very cool.
Many Thanks to all!

that Rock layout toward the back of the tank took me 3 days messing with it until i finally was able to walk away, look at it and smile.

REEFWRECK: i will hopefully be a member of FMAS on tuesday at Miami Seaquarium so i will pass by DORAL i guess next week but dont i need something that says i'm a memeber?, BTW how will i know who to see or meet or where to go? will someone have a shirt or a hat or sign plastered on their forehead saying FMAS? i dont know what you guys look like? LOL! Chris?

Thanks again
Oh i forgot, does anyone mind scrapping off some thick coraline from their tank and giving it to me? Correct me if i am wrong but it wont grow unless it is already present in my tank? i would like to seed my tank and then add suppliment to help it along. as of right now the only coraline in my tank would be if i wrote the word "CORALINE" on my rock with a sharpie marker :D

Thanks Gasman i think its cool too (Of corse i would)
WOW you guys and or gals really like the rock work huh? thanks, it makes me feel good that my hard work has paid off not only to my liking but yours (my piers) as well. i drilled couple of 1" holes in the front formation and inserted PVC pipe to hold it all together NO EPOXY thou in case i find a better top ledge since the bottom of it broke and i lost 4" in height
sorry reefwreck i forgot to answer your question about stocking. i will eventually go with some SPS not much though, i plan to do a good as healthy as possible mix. iam taking things step by step and will learn more about each individual coral and fish that are to my liking and then take it from there. i dont want to kill anything just because i think it looks cool or i like it EVEN THOUGH I SEEM TO LIKE EVERYTHING SO FAR THAT I HAVE SEEN. i set up the rock so lighting will be diverse and not as intense in some areas and obviousely brighter in others.
gasman: FROGGINES AND ANENOMES! i said it again (i like those alot)
Awesome job. Looking great!

I'll be happy to scrape some coraline from my tank and/or give you a small rock with coraline.

How much flow are you putting through this bad boy?
Sorry it took so long to respond. Restocking/Reorganizing night at work, supposed to be over by 12, ended up finishing at 3am.

REEFWRECK: i will hopefully be a member of FMAS on tuesday at Miami Seaquarium so i will pass by DORAL i guess next week but dont i need something that says i'm a memeber?, BTW how will i know who to see or meet or where to go? will someone have a shirt or a hat or sign plastered on their forehead saying FMAS?

you technically don't need any form of ID to get the discount, just tell them. The owner was a really nice guy, and their setups were very nice. If you're asking who to see at the store, just ask for the guy who knows about saltwater. There is one guy who knew the reptiles, and one guy who knew the SW, and the SW guy was the owner. If you're talking about the club meeting at Seaquarium, you'll probably just see a big group of us "Reefnecks" over around the customer service booth area on the right hand side? (I could be wrong, it's been.... About a decade since I've been there...)
Oh, and welcome to the club (once you pay your dues :) ) and if you need Cheato, let me know. Mine is taking off like crazy ever since I got the new refuge light that Scratch-D suggested :)
Hey Ariel, How are ya? thanks for the compliment. i would be happy to take some coraline from ya, if you have a small pc of rock i am Ok with that too but i would like some that has been scrapped off. as for flow the 3 pumps added up at 0' head total about 3000 gph. but i need to swap 2 pumps out 1 for more flow and the other because its a little too loud. PM sent

Reefwreak, Macawmagic, Thanks for the Cheato offer i will be taking you up on that as soon as i get a light. Reefwreak what light did you get that Scratch-d suggested?

Lester: i am sorry to say i sold the stand i purchased from you, it hurt me to sell it but as you can see i ended up going way OVERBOARD!! Thanks thou it was definately a great buy!!!
i will be having the finshed paneling work start very soon then i have to order the shutter panels that i will be using as the doors and they take about 3-4weeks to fabricrate.

Thanks for the positive feedback so far!!!

The big HD. home depot, in the outdoor floodlight section. I went there totally expecting not to find it, but to my surprise, there it was.