I am getting a Dwarf bunny for my kid


New member
I have been thinking of getting a dwarf bunny for my almost 8 year old. To teach him responsibly. Any recommendations?

Any breeders here? I will also need a cage and stuff.
lol just buy two bunnies and you can become a breeder in no time. Lol just dont buy a tank thats what i did and now im the one taking care of it.
Think twice about it. I bought one for my girls about 4 years ago to teach them about caring for animals. My wife feeds it and I clean the cage! Guess they showed us. I hear they live for about 10 years. 4 down 6 to go. Oh, mine(I mean my kids) chews on everything. I could go on but I'll let you find out. Enjoy!!!
They do chew on any and every thing that they can, poop every where. My dad had a friend in Hawaii that had some and trained them to use litter boxes, but you still had to be careful if walking around barefoot. He said they can live any where from about 10 to 20 years, depending on the breed and how well kept they are.
My friend had 2 male bunnies. They kept fighting so they had to be kept in separate cages. They also kept having gay bunny sex.

Well, one day Rabbit #1 jumped out of his enclosure and into Rabbit #2's enclosure. My friend didn't realize it until several hours later. By then, Rabbit #1 had literally castrated Rabbit #2. Rabbit #2 didnt make it.

I dont think bunnies are good ideas at all.
Have 2 outside in an enclosed garden/patio. With the chewing and digging, it is now more of a patio than garden. Although they are litterbox trained, they are still a PITA. Very cute and no way to get rid of them now b/c of the kids, but I would recommend you look into a guinea pig instead...
I second the guinea pig...I've been around both animals that belonged to friends and the bunny thing is cute if you don't have to take care of them and clean up after them. Guinea pigs are cute and definitely easier to care for and less obnoxious in their behavior. The last bunny I knew chewed through both her cage and other items they had her cornered with (assorted furniture and other items), then proceeded to chew through any wires she could find, then decided she wanted to live in the wild and only came back for food! Crazy bunny!