I am leaving too ...


New member
Some of you have already heard but for those that haven't , I am moving to West Point , Miss. in one month. I secured a transfer with Kroger to the Starkville store and I am in the process of purchasing a home down there . I need to do this for my mom, she has macular degeneration and will loose her sight . I will be needed when this happens so I am going now since the job is secure.
I will be taking the tank with me if this house deal goes as planned. If I have to redirect , the tank could be a casualty . My family says there is no way they will let me give my tank up because I enjoy it so much .
I will continue to be a part of the group but you all need to be ready to replace me as secretary/ treasurer. With my new position in Starkville I will not be the one writing my schedule so I can not say how many meetings I will be able to attend after the move..
The fartherest I have ever moved a tank is 16 feet so this is going to be scary but I bet if Cathy can move one to California I can move one to Mississippi ...
Im in Starkville if you need any help. In fact, Im in the Kroger store all the time, so if you work on the floor I'll see ya around.
well, i truly hope all goes well with your mom( i will pray for a recovery of great health) as for me--who says the secretary has to be present at meetings( with the technology today) i think the club will be hard fought to find a replacement in you---god bless you and yours
thanks Swigen..I will let you know when I am there so you can introduce yourself ...Thanks Preston for the kind words.I wish you all the best too . If I can just get it all to go my way and arrive with all my critters alive I will be relieved. I am concerned that my cats will try to come back to Memphis ...They are indoor/outdoor cats and come and go as they please so I am not sure I can keep them locked up . Rusty never leaves my side so he is not an issue...
BJ - I'll miss you tons.....
I feel the same way. You have done so much not only for the club but for each one us personally. You're always full of joy and just a great pleasure to be around. I hope all goes well and let me know if I can do anything to help.
BJ, I know Oxford is a little out of the way but if you need anything let me know and we will try to help you out.