I can't believe my possum wrasse is still alive


New member
I bought this possum three months ago. The moment i put it in my tank he disappeared in the rocks. He never came to eat. even though i have a good amount of liverock, my tank just came out of a cupramine treatment so i knew my macro invertebrate population was basically inexistent.I was pretty sure he starved to death after i didn't see him for 2 weeks. Yesterday, before my lights came on, i saw a UF (unidentify fish lol) swimming in the open. On a closer look, i realize it was the possum wrasse(I even forgot about him). It was such a nice surprise. Few minutes later he went back in the liverock. I hope i ll see him in a few months again, with luck it ll be less than that.
A UF lol dude having skiddish fish sucks.. It's like what's the point.. But cool to see he was soldiering on somehow unbeknownst to you.. He is like batman..
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He s like a true spy. You don't know he s there but trust me, he s watching!

A UF lol dude having skiddish fish sucks.. It's like what's the point.. But cool to see he was soldiering on somehow unbeknownst to you.. He is like batman..
my possum is the favorite in the tank. he floats around everywhere like a goodyear blimp. not shy at all. almost lost em a few months ago to a vortech.
my possum is the favorite in the tank. he floats around everywhere like a goodyear blimp. not shy at all. almost lost em a few months ago to a vortech.

I might send you mine for boot camp. He look so cool I wish I could see him more often. Even the good old fashion "mysis shrimp bribing" doesn't work.