I could use some help with my 10 Gallon SPS Tank


New member
So I've had this tank set up for about 6 months now. I didn't begin adding any sps corals until about 4-5 months in. I'm currently running two powerbeads (Koralia 240 and Koralia 420). For lighting I have the kessil A150. And then for filtration a JNS Cyclone skimmer (identical to aquamaxx hob-1). I also have a hang on the back filter that runs kent marine phosphate sponge. I have a 100 watt heater too. I also dose calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium once a day. I also do a 30% water change weekly that involves siphoning detritus off the bottom. My last test I ran, parameters were as follows:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
pH: ~7.6
Ca: 440
kh: ~7
Po4: ~.1
salinity: 1.026


Flower pot coral
duncan coral
green nepthea coral
tube coral
rose bubble tip anemone
mini sps frag
(blanking on the name of the big sps frag)
mandarin goby
ocellaris clownfish
peppermint shrimp
2 snails
2 blue legged hermit crabs

This was all done with API test kits. Obviously my phosphates are high which is why I am getting some green algae in the tank and my pH I think is a tad low. I've considered getting a media reactor and running GFO, but I don't know if its unnecessary or not. I also just purchased NO3:pO4-X - Red Sea, but it hasn't arrived yet. I want my sps corals looking healthy and the tank clean, what can I do to fix this problem?

Here are photos....





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Sorry, no input on your problem, i just really like your nano lol, is your mandarin eating normal food or do you have to feed it pods? It is a favorite fish of mine, but i dont think id get lucky enough to get one that eats anything but pods, and my tank is too big with what will be too many competitors to eat the pods before he gets to them, so imma wait till my tank is spawning enough pods to add a mandarin.
Your pH and Alk both need to come up. My alk is ~9 and my pH stays at 8.4. I would also bring your salinity down to 1.023ish that way you don't risk it getting to high with evaporation, unless your running an ATO which I'm guessing your not in a 10g tank. I just prefer not to risk it if something were to happen or I had to be away from my tank for a few days. Running GFO can't hurt, my rocks are also currently leaching Phosphate like crazy which is why I constantly have a green film of algae on my glass even though my test kit is reading low. That will eventually run it's course though and with water changes get better with time, it's just up to you whether or not you want to run a reactor. A few more CUC members can't hurt either. Some small nessarius will help with the sand and maybe an Astrea or two to help with the glass.
I could use some help with my 10 Gallon SPS Tank

Your parameters look fine except ph being low. Keeping a 10 gallon stable will be tough. Just swap it out with a 20 gallon. Even then, thAt small of a water volume is prone to fluctuations that sps won't like.
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thanks for the advice! The NO3:pO4-X just came in so I'm going to begin dosing starting today and we'll see how that goes. And I have been supplying my mandarin pods. Unfortunately with that being said he is still on the skinny side. My LFS was selling the 6 oz bottle of tigger pods for around $25. And I just dumped the whole thing in there. I also have bought pods from reefs2go before too. I looked into getting nutramar ova but I can't seem to find any. My suggestion, which I am going to try next time is to isolate the pods or perhaps lobster eggs in a bottle and let the mandarin find his way in because the clownfish also likes the pods. And at this point I think I will just purchase a reactor to make things easier
KK, i would really like one, but the little willpower i have will all go to holding off on buying one untill i can support him with pods, i dont have a huge fuge but im hoping it and the space in my 150g will generate enough for one eventually.