I.D. Macro algea that is taking over!


New member
I got this frag of star polyps when I first started my tank up and everything has been going smooth until recently this macro algae has been taking over the peice of star polyps. It literally grows an inch a week and im about to just chuck the whole peice. It also looks like there are a few different types of algae on there so if someone could I.D. and help me figure out if this algae is good or bad and how to get rid of it, it would be really appreciated.

Here are some picture,







looks to me like the bushy algae could be bryopsis but the underside more yellowish looking is not algae but some kind of sponge i have similar types growing on the undersides of my rock. I would not worry to much about the sponge but if the other algae is bryopsis be afraid be very afraid pull as much of it out or it can takeover your whole tank
wow your getting me worried. Anyone else want to chime in and give some opinions or facts would be better.


Bryopsis species are potentially invasive, Therefore, if environmental conditions occur that support fast growth of this species, it may become more competitive and possibly dominant. Bryopsis pennata is a well-known pest alga species in commercial aquariums and the aquarium trade. Slugs or snails If you are looking for something to keep the algae down there are always herbivorous snails like Scutus or a Sea Hare. I had that problem in the past with another setup and besides my tangs a greenish slug i got took care of it. Good luck
Well there goes the star polyps and the algae. I threw them away along with everything I could grab out, and there are still tiny peices on the rock... should I take out the rock? I was thinking of getting a green slug lol, if anyone knows who has them let me know. I dont want to declare war on my tank algae but I will.


For real -Elysia viridis/Elysia ornata this two suckers will do the trick i dunno wat they would do after but they will most def take care of ur alage
The way I got rid of it was to pluck all that I could, and that got old, so I got every piece I could out and epoxied over it. That did the trick.
Best thing to do IMO is just to remove the rock. If you want to reuse it, dry it.... bleach, rinse, and then dry again. Otherwise if you don't get rid of it now, it will be like Xenia and no one likes that!!!
I just got a foxface and it was gone in a few days! a 18G a little small for one...but it sure did the trick in my tank!
If it's indeed bryopsis, lettuce sea slug will chow down on it then just use phosphate removing media to keep it gone for good.
Got it/ when i posted i was'nt sure or did not have pics but mr. flamehwak is right on the money. Any Elysia species will do the trick w/o takin stuff out and or pluggin
Thanks for all of your guys help. I will be getting one asap. Will the sea slug be of any harm to other corals? Thanks again. I will be picking one up at Coral Reef Farm tomorrow.

Thanks again

Does not harm any corals but i would put it in gentler flow or it can end up being sucked by your powerhead. Hope this helps, JOHNNY
Man, that is scary! I have the same stuff...just appeared one day...I hadn't really added anything new in about a couple of weeks, then all of a sudden there it was and it does grow like crazy! I saw my conch chowing on some last night, but he only ate what was on the small rock he was on. I've picked out alot, but it does keep coming back and quickly at that!
So does anyone one what LFS might have a lettuce sea slug? I need one asap, this stuff is growing like a weed!


Pick off the big pieces and then Pull out your corals and turn off your lights for several days. They will not grow with no light. Then reduce the amt of light that you provide for a while slowly increasing it back over several weeks. Also do water changes to remove phosphates and nitrates and feed ALOT less for a while.

If you take away its food it will die off.