I got worms


New member
So I have had a population of what appear to be flatworms on the glass of my aquarium. I'm sure that they are all over the rockwork too but Not 100% sure. I also don't see that they are affecting any of my sps. Should I worry? If so, can I get some recommendations?


Try and get out all that you can with a turkey baster, than treat. Then add 1 pound of carbon per 50 gallons of water to the system. Not a bad idea to do a water change too if possible
I have them. Some are more problematic than others. At least in my situation, their population waxes and wanes depending on the condition of the tank. I've noticed when I get a spike in nutrients, I see more. If I am on cruise control and everthing is doing great, I barely see any of them. Some get rather large and can suffocate corals, the kind I have I've never noticed on the rocks (obviously they are there). If you do decide to use flatworm exit, please research how to use it properly. That stuff will crash your tank.
I have them. Some are more problematic than others. At least in my situation, their population waxes and wanes depending on the condition of the tank. I've noticed when I get a spike in nutrients, I see more. If I am on cruise control and everthing is doing great, I barely see any of them. Some get rather large and can suffocate corals, the kind I have I've never noticed on the rocks (obviously they are there). If you do decide to use flatworm exit, please research how to use it properly. That stuff will crash your tank.

As rovster says but ill add it will crash your tank if not used correctly. As some one else mentioned its the flatworm toxins that become worrysome not the treatment itself. Also if its not too out of control, some wrasses like them as munchies.
Ok, maybe I should have said that you can cause a tank crash if not used correctly, LOL! Take home message is siphon as many as you can before treatment, then big water changes and lots of carbon afterwards. Yes, it's the toxins released that cause problems, not the medication itself.
From your title alone. I would have said go to the doctor and have him take a stool sample? Ha just playing!
Do what the others have said above.

I also have siphoned out the worms during the treatment with an airline tube. They will start floating around. I try to get just the worms and not alot of water. Also if you have any extra pumps that you can put in the tank that would be good. The more flow the better, but don't go crazy with it. This will help get in all the nooks and crannies. You will probably have to do a second treatment about a week later for the ones that were hiding.