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Hi everyone hope you all had a good thanksgiving! I was hoping for some advise. I have as you can see by the title a 30 gallon sump with a rio 17 return pump. Dual overflow box feeding water. I also have a sealife model 100 refugium that I figured I would use I figured why not more water volume. Only single over flow and a smaller rated rio return. Issue is the water level. I cannot sustain it. I can play with the overflow by lowing and raising it until I can get it right. It will stay okay for most of the day but towards end of the day either one will start holding more water causing the other to blow in air. I always catch it and go in with my cup fill the refuge and play with the overflow box again until I get it right. In the morning before I do anything I am at it again. I love the benefit of the added refugium but if I cannot get this correct then back to the sump only. Just a waste of mud and LS. Any suggestions? If I can't then sealife model 100 fuge for sale. I got it for $229 at SW reef plus mud and bio balls. Will sell for $120