I have some zoos for trade and some other stuff...


New member
i have a large colony of "UM" zoos (forest green skirt w/ large orange mouth) and another large colony of mixed eagle eyes/tye dyes/yellow zoos. I can frag these if someone wants to trade for some different colors or other LPS. I also have a small open brain (flourescent red/orange/green) i am willing to trade and lots of rics (diff colors)which i might be able to frag off a few shrooms (never done it tho). pm me or post here with a contact number.

I have a nice frag (unmounted) of the UM zoos about 20 polyps that is breaking off due to the flow...lemme know



here are some pics... my pics flush the colors a bit but im no camera expert...
Dam it man....I just love the Ric garden.
Can't wait until I get the 90 in 2 weeks.....I wanna do the same thing.
Im using 4x65 pcs still... upgrading to either a 4 or 6 set of t5s in a month or 2. even the montis and millie are growing in my tank but slowly. the color lacks a bit with my lighting but that will change soon.

davester, the rics you are talking about are like a lemonlime gatorade color (top of the hill on the right) but the ones on the bottom of the right hill under the toadstool are more of a mint color w/ light purple rim.

ill be home today and tomorrow so if anyone wants to swing by call me up at 3053429597. i live out by 157ave in kendall

Hey Eddy If you have any you can frag that your willing to sell, let me know, it doesnt matter how many polyps, im interested.
I have 1 mounted frag of eagle eyes and can make another 2 or 3 nice frags mounted or unmounted of the eagles/tyedyes. post or pm me.

O Agios, if you read this thanks for the help and i hope the frags look good!