I know my problem need a solution


New member
Ok so I have these tiny starfish that I know for a fact are eating my zoes I have seen them directly eating them. My worst colony is a tubbs blue colony that is on the sand bed. Problem is I dont know how to kill these buggers I have a ton of rock work and I grab all the ones I can off the glass and rocks but cant seem to get them under control. Any suggestions, I was wondering if a harlequin shrimp might do the trick or would they not be interested in such a small star. Also I freshwater dip my new zoes I get will this help me get rid of any newcoming stars. Thanks in advance
Harlequin shrimp will eat asterina starts (if that is what you have) voraciously. The problem comes when you run out of them. I have heard the stars can come and go based on water quality, the better the conditions the less stars you will have. There is another shrimp the bumblebee shrimp that can also eat asterina but will eat frozen food as well. They are tougher to get and are smaller. The last question is what fish do you have in your tank? If you have any type of wrasse I would not recommend shrimp as they will become a quick expensive snack.
I have a melanarus wrasse about 4" a true perc, tailspot blenny and a red scotter mandarin. Thats it for now I also have a refugium with a sixline wrasse and they are in there too.