I have no experience here, just brainstorming. Would it weaken its "hold" if you sheltered it from light? Possibly hang a frag rack over it?
Uncle Luke, here you go.
This is how it looks now, after I have tried to take off as much as I can with the razor and the scraper.
Knukles55, I've actually neglected my tank for the last year. I've been working the last week or so to bring it back. I've been very lucky I didn't have a complete extinction.
Spieszak- you might be on to something.
this is an encrusting coral, so there is no "hold", but maybe a few rocks up against the glass will shelter that part from the light. It will then have to go on rocks instead of glass, and the glass encrust will weaken. if this works it will take weeks, if not months, imho.
BTW- i think its awesome to have the encrust like that, just the wrong glass, lol.
AquamanE, are you saying if it dies, it will lose grip?