I need cuttlefish info!!

B Pierce

New member
Hey all,

I am thinking about getting a cuttlefish. Can you keep cuttles with other cuttles or fishes? What are the easiest to keep and smallest species of cuttlefish? Do you need a covered lid for them? What size tank do they need?

BTW I would really like a captive raised cuttle.....LMK if you know of anyone that breeds them.

As posted on another thread, I have raised, and hope to breed soon.

Best bet is to do your searches on here, and on TONMO.com to get all the answers you need, then if there are more questions - shout up!
SB will hit maybe a max of 8cm ML. Life expectancy is a bit clouded, some say 8 months ish, others say up to 18 months.

Either way, short! Lefty may chip in with a more factual answer, as I have not kept one through to senesence yet.
My babies are with 2 clowns at the moment, but they will either have to be removed soon, or get eaten.

It they can catch em, and eat even just they best bits, the will.
bandensis are very new to the aquarium trade, so it is hard to tell what their lifespan actually is. I have kept ones from hatching to death for 8 months, but I don't think this was their natural lifespan - they died for other reasons.
I wouldn't keep them with any fish, but YMMV.
Lefty, thanks for the info.

I sent you a pm a whial back about buying a young cuttle or maybe an egg. LMK if you are willing to ship.
