i need help :(


Premium Member
ive bought alot of sps in the last month or so, and they all seemed ok. but they seem to just be getting worse. im losing them slowly it seems.

i think its from my baffles in my sump, i cant remember if i used the wrong silicone, i read alot of peoples tanks crashing from doing that.

does anyone have a ammonia and nitrite salifert kit they can bring to the meeting?

all my other test kits are salifert and there ok.

cept my ph, but i dont think it would have this big of an impact but you never know

ph 8.1-7.9
calcium 440
alk 11
nitrates 0
temp, ALWAYS between 81.3-80.7
lighting is 6x54 watt t5s.

everyone looks ok, its just my sps are doing bad. some look better then others though.

ive had 0 fish in the tank setup for about 2 months.
can anyone help me?
maybe im overlooking things?

anyhow thanks in advance, i REALLY NEED the help.
Sorry to hear that Jaymie, your parameters look good, temperature could be a little lower but nothing to blame for. The only thing that I can think is perhaps red bugs or even flatworms, red bugs can be easily spotted if you take a macro shot of the coral and then digitally zoom it with a good software, I can help you with the photo zooming if you like. The flatworms on the other hand are a little more tricky to spot, for them you need to take the coral out of the water and let the flesh dry for like a couple of minutes and then examine any unusual oval wet spot within the body if you see any you might be able to lift it with a wood toothpick, they are almost translucent and very difficult to spot.
Call me if you need to ask me any questions, I have seen both and what they can do to your corals, I treat everything coming in my tank.
pm me your address and I'll come over after work tonight... I get off at 5:30. So I could be there around 6.
hey chris, can you spot those red bugs or flatworms?

ill be home by 6 too.

ill pm you my address thanks!

I place all new corals inside a large 7gal White buquet with a powerhead, Corals get dip while being acclimated for 2 hour with levamisol followed by 1 hour dip interceptor followed by a 2 min rodi water, I then place the corals in a separate container inside the refuge for a couple of days for them to finish acclimation.
I usually will take a close-up picture and examine it in the Computer, I have never found anything after all this preventive procedure, but 9 out of 10 times I will spot hundreds of critters in the bottom of the white container were I do the dip once it settles. I must also mentioned that in all cases, I will take a lot of time choosing coral that appeared to be clean and healthy and no matter who I get corals from I will find bugs in the container
this is why i like montipora. they rarely bleach entirely and theres a chance to save the colony by breaking it up.
As long as I can get close to the coral, I've been pretty good at spotting red bugs. If I don't see em, doesn't mean you don't have em, but if I see em, uh oh.
Thank you Rogger
I will try to implement at least one of those steps right now I just keep on a separate system for quarantine them move into the main display.
Sorry I haven't gotten back with you lately, I'm kinda fighting to keep my job right now. I'll have to get back with you.
yea, hope you get it worked out chris. My tank seems to be doing better though. WHENEVER you get a chance, your more then welcome to stop by, i know youll love my zoo collection :)
wow chris, i hope everything comes out ok =/ i know how much it sucks dealing with that from being a tech worker.