I need some livestock


New member
OK guys and girls, It's been a couple of months since my "total wipe out", and now i'm ready to start adding some fish.

right now, i'll take anything someone wants to give me, i'm a lil tired of looking at this big ol empty tank. I'm a lil more pickey about what i have to pay for tho......

so if anyone has anything they're looking to "donate" to a fellow hobbiest in need please feel free to do so.

or if you've got something you're trying to sale, please let me know about that as well.

Thanks guys
Hey I have a beautiful lunar wrasse, about 6 or 7 inches and a healthy looking Humu trigger, about 5 inches I would take $30 for the pair as long as you put them in a large tank. I'm about 20 mins north of Kokomo, straight up 31 if your interested let me know.