I need some sand please!! :)


New member
I want to know if anyone has some sand, DOESNT HAVE TO BE LIVE SAND. any cheap sand will do, as long as it is aragonite, or calcium based. basically the sand you buy from the fish stores, not the fine sugar sized sand, or play sand. i bought a carpet anemone and i placed him in a tupperware container with sand in it and i tried to shove it as dep as possible in the sandbed but the container is still semi visible and i want to cover it up with sand so 1. the tank looks more natural, and 2. the foot of the nem is totally covered and it will feel more comfortable and therefore more liekly to stay put. i only need a couple pounds so i dont want to go out and buy a 30$ bag of live sand. so if anyone has some they dont mind giving up or gettting rid of, or i can also trade for some kenya tree frags. someone please help me out if you can. or if yo know of a store that has dry or dead sand for cheap, like a couple bucks, i guess i could go that route. but id rather get it from some reefers in the area or trade it for some of my kenya frags. Thanks guys......

ps. i live in davie, close to the corner of university and sterling
eco reef has some pretty cheap sand but i think it comes in like 40lb bags ... i belive it came to $10-15 per bag after the fmas discount ;)