I want your cats whiskers !


New member
Attention cat owners :bounce3:

If you find your cat's shed whiskers laying about the house, SAVE THEM!
While I have absolutely no use for them at all, they are VERY useful for growing crystals that enable scientists to study the structure and function of proteins.

As whiskers are a key part of a cats sensory system you should never cut off a cats whiskers! Never-ever!

If, like me, you have a cat and from time to time discover a shed whisker please sent it to me. You don't have to clean it or anything. Simply deposit said whisker in a ziploc baggie or an envelope and shoot me a PM. I'll give you an address to mail it to, or if your local we can arrange a hand-off.

It's not necessary, but if you wish you can include your cat's name with the whisker/whiskers.

An underpinning sense of decorum precludes me from commenting, but MAN are you opening up Pandora’s box here B!
You can get catfish whiskers here in Jackson at Catfish Galley. Would that count?? Lots of protein in these particular whiskers!!
Here is the address for mailing in your cat's whiskers for protein research at the Jude:

Brenda Schulman, PhD
Structural Biology
MS 311, Room D-5024E
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
262 Danny Thomas Place
Memphis, TN 38105-3678