I wish my Angel would eat your designer named zoa's


In Memoriam
I hope this designer name stuff doesn't cross over anymore than it already has to sps. We as reefers are already not considered normal by folks outside the hobby. Could you imagine if some of dogs had the name zoa's have? When is this going to stop? Maybe it will stop when people start buying stuff because it looks cool instead of the naming.
It's pretty silly... however, if someone wants a specific colorform it may be easier to call it alien eyes than blue with orange center and green rim zoas. Just a thought... ;)

It's pretty silly... however, if someone wants a specific colorform it may be easier to call it alien eyes than blue with orange center and green rim zoas. Just a thought... ;)


Yeah, but I at least know what "blue with orange center and grim rim zoas" look like, I have no idea what "alien eyes" mean. :lol:
hey can I get some a few frags of those blue with orange center and green rim zoas?
no not those ones...ummmm no i dont think its those...wait lemme see again..no thats not them, that more like a violet color...umm no thats red not orange...ahh just forget it!

the names help you distinguish..

if you wanna see how it would be to sell just just based on color w/no designer name go to extremecorals.. they have names like ultra ultra predator blood green with bubblicous fairy pink and pot of gold at the end rainbow skirt! but if they had a designer name for it it would be just like leprechauns fairy pot or something i dont know.

or from the website: 5X5 OUTSTANDING!!! ULTRA ULTRA COLOR ULTRA GRADE NEON YELLOW SKIRT BRIGHT ORANGE EYE PURPLE RING INC <----but thats actually not bad compared to the descriptions they usually have
im with you i hate these stupid names i think they do it to help jack up the price they should stick to the scientific names.
im with you i hate these stupid names i think they do it to help jack up the price they should stick to the scientific names.

i'd worry about different morphs within the species:spin2:

all the names are crazy, but they don't really bother me that much, what bugs me is that some people give away and others are $125 per polyp:eek2:
Marketing...period. Would a Dodge Viper sell as well if it was called a Dodge yellow sports model
instead of a Dodge Viper

Names appeal to people more then descriptions do.
I like the names. I just wish there was a better repository for them. Coralpedia is really slow to put submissions up and I think that there are probably hundreds more that haven't been put up because of photographic requirements. I should say though that i do appreciate what coralpedia is doing and I understand that it is a lot of work.
If naming stuff was left solely to musty old soup-stained museum taxonomists, life would be a little greyer. It makes sense to assign descriptive common names to inverts so that hobbyists can identify colour morphs of the same species etc. Some of the names are defo made up by WOW nerds. If you've ever had to choose a paint colour you'd know that things could be a lot worse.
I like the boring scientific names, just takes a little effort to learn them. But if "Gorilla Nipples" works for you what do I care?
I like the boring scientific names, just takes a little effort to learn them. But if "Gorilla Nipples" works for you what do I care?

Hehe, that's personal information sorry. Both ways work for me :cool:. Gotta go feed the Canis lupus familiaris.
All the budding comics aside in this thread, who gets to decide what "defines" the nickname? Who gets to decide what an "alien eye", "pink lemonade", or "ding dong" is? No one. Its all subjective, which makes it, as a defining nomenclature, a pile of steaming manure. There is no standard, and that makes it useless.
or from the website: 5X5 OUTSTANDING!!! ULTRA ULTRA COLOR ULTRA GRADE NEON YELLOW SKIRT BRIGHT ORANGE EYE PURPLE RING INC <----but thats actually not bad compared to the descriptions they usually have

Haha! I like the "never before seen ultra rare green star polyps"!

If you like to play the name game with corals, then it's fun figuring out what color morph you have or trading for something you don't have. Who knows, maybe you're the first person to have that particular strain in captivity?! If you don't like the coral names, then don't participate. It's as simple as that. And guess what- sps already have designer names, ie purple monster, forest fire, pearlberry, etc. Even your angel fish has a common name. If mother nature had been kind enough to create 500 different color variations within that one species of angel then there would be 500 different common names. It reality it doesn't, but zoanthus sociatus and gigantus DO! Which is what keeps us zoanthid collectors salivating for more.