Ice Gyre

First i am seeing this, but kind of interested. Any idea if it is single direction pump, or if it can pump forward and reverse direction?
Thanks for the link

I have mixed feelings about the icecap myself on one hand at 1/2 the price it makes me want to buy them but on the other hand why is it 1/2 the price? This should be good for this style pump as it will make some competition.

It could just be that Maxspec is gouging you with their pricing and it's really only worth what Ice is selling it as.
Says it doesn't work with Apex which I don't use any way but a lot of people do and that you can't link them together.
It could just be that Maxspec is gouging you with their pricing and it's really only worth what Ice is selling it as.

No, it has less features. Isn't apex compatible and each gyre requires a controller, so you can't run multiple pumps on one controller. If those don't matter then you can save some money over the higher priced maxspect series. I think the real question is what technology from maxspect is actually in it? Is it based off version 1 gyre's or version 2 gyre's?
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So would you buy it again over Maxspec? I was looking at a set of tunze heads with controller but this unit has me interested for my 75g.

For my application yes I would. Now if you were to need two of these units for you tank keep in mind, they can not be tied together. They run independently. This is a nice budget friendly unit IMO. I personally cannot justify the money for a new Maxspect, or even the Vortech's. Its also made by Coralvue, same company as Maxspect. Time will tell how durable they are or if any problems will arise.
You can buy just one Maxspect pump with no controller for about 1/2 the price so if you need two of them you don't save as much money but they are still cheaper.