Icecap UV Sterilizer 27w


New member
I can't seem to find solid information on setting the flow rate of my uv sterilizer to control algae. Should I follow the manufacturer instructions? Some say they are B.S. not sure what to do. Right now I did the bucket method and filled a one gallon jug and it took 8 seconds. I have 4 feet head pressure

120g - 60x18x25
40g breeder sump
Icecap uv sterilizer 27watt

Haven’t used a UV since late 1980s but, my inclination would be to follow the manufacturer’s directions.
It seems a general consensus is following the manufactures instructions. With that said, I’ve also been told this:

If it flows too fast through the filter the light doesn't have a good kill rate. If it goes to slow, it sterilizes the water, which is what the light is supposed to do. Exact flows of gallons/liters per minute through the unit are not required, just don't run it faster than it's designed for. If you flow slower it will be fine.