ich in large system


New member
I have read all articles about ich and how to dseal with it,so my question is is ich realy d-s of stress and always present in system,iwent to atlantis aquarium in long island and alot of their tangs had it,but fish were fat and healthy,can u realy can eradicaid ich,or u have to corantine everything that goes inthe tank including sps frags for 40 days?
Ick is always present, when a fish gets stressed or is unhealthy they can get an outbreak of it. Only fish can get ick, your corals will be fine. If your tank has an outbreak of ick there are cures out there that are reef safe. There is a product called Sano Reef Remedy, it is reef safe and it treats parasites. I have used and it worked for me. I would not worry about quarintining any of the fish. I would treat the whole tank.
Ich is a problem that will go away on its own if the fish are healthy and not stressed. Most treatments for ich are not safe to do in a large reef tank because of the potential harm to everything else in the tank. In my own experience providing your fish with a non-crowded, non-stressed environment with excellent water quality and stable conditions will prevent ich from ever becoming a problem.
If the ich is really bad I would treat the whole system. I have a 210 with a 75 sump and have trated with sucsess with kick ich. But it is expensive. Garlic is also a good method to help teat and prevent breakouts. It will also help increase appities.