ICP water analysis Bromine high 43ppm salt?


New member
I understand Bromine is a component of commercial salt. A lot has been said on it in the mid 2000's. Mine from what I can see is crazy high? ICP says it should be zero.

I use Red Sea Pro but now may switch due to the high levels.

I have other issues. My carbon filter must have needed replacing for a while which I think is an issue. I have a metal that is a tad high like Mo.

Iodiine is low. Not supprised. Calk mag are high due to me not testing enough and dosing ESV two part alk and calc. I'll let those settle down. I keep the tank at 8 alk.

Chlorine a little high.

The salt is started is in PPM is that the same as total salinity? Why do other ICP tests have it in PPT. How to collorliate that to PPT? or specific gravity.

See results attached. Any feedback.


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The bromine might be from the salt mix, if the number is accurate. Also, have you ever dosed DIY 2-part into the system? Some DIY 2-parts might have bromide, including those based on Dow Flake.

I didn't see the "salt" number on the screen shot. Without a specification from the vendor as to what they mean by that, I don't know how to interpret it. Do you mean the sodium result? That looks reasonable to me.
I have never used DIY two part. Only ESV 2 part. The bromine is pretty high, I just wonder if thats hurting anything. I'm doing 2 x20 percent water changes over two weeks with new RODI (new DI, Carbon, and sediment filters) so to get some stuff going the right direction.
I don't think the bromine should be a problem at that level, but if any animals are having troubles, you might need to change the salt product to lower it. That would be my first guess as to the source, if your RO/DI was in reasonable shape before. Are there any supplements other than the 2-part going into the system?